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Bruce Heath


Professional with 16 years accomplished achievement, known for delivering and sustaining revenue and profit gains within competitive markets. Exceptional communicator with a consultative style, savvy negotiation skills, exceptional problem solving abilities and a keen customer needs assessment aptitude. Able to identify opportunities, develop strategies and provide tactical business solutions. Ultimate professional who delivers value to the organization and the bottom line. ▪Strong negotiating and relationship building skills ▪Solve difficult problems with little/no supervision ▪Motivated self starter who sticks to his task ▪Excellent communication skills, oral and written ▪Organized, able to establish effective plans ▪Thorough understanding of profit and revenue

Last Resume Update October 11, 2013
Degree Masters Degree
Experience 2+ to 3 Years
Category Landman
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City Canton
State OH


Chesapeake Energy, Uniontown, OH 2011 to Present

▪Responsible for negotiating oil and gas leases, lease modifications/ratifications, title curative issues
▪Interface with landowners, government officials, attorneys and business executives
▪Gather, organize and analyze title documents, tracing ownership of land and mineral rights
▪Provide detailed record keeping to management to ensure tight drilling schedules are met
▪Participate as a team member of the development team for operations in three counties
▪Developed educational booklet to help landowners quickly grasp/accept horizontal drilling
▪Exceeded goals and expectations set out by management in every position assigned
▪Top 10% in office acquiring leases and lease modification agreements
